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11) Elizabeth Beach to The Ruins walk returning along Wallis Lake
(Booti Booti National Park; Port Stephens – Great Lakes Marine Park)
Land/air life: A wonderful walk/scramble through dense littoral rainforest which then opens out to the 10 km long Booti Booti Beach which extends to Cape Hawke near Forster. The return tranquil walk along Wallis Lake provides many opportunities to see birds associated with brackish wetlands..
Marine life: . Bottlenose dolphins commonly seen. Humpback whales very commonly seen in their southerly migration season.
Geological/geographic: Extraordinary coastscape created by the Yagon siltstone and Booti Booti sandstone basement. In the middle of the walk a 10 km long sandy isthmus can be seen to the north which separates Wallis Lake from the ocean. The eastern side of this isthmus is Booti Booti Beach.
Recreational opportunities: Walking.
Other comments: Best conditions: not raining
Fitness etc: moderate

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