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Forest investigation:

Dynamics of forest animals in the hinterland of Seal Rocks, NSW, Australia

Changes over time in the number of Foxes

in relation to the abundance of Dingoes:


Fox + dingo.png

Note the vertical yellow bars are the summer months (blue boxes = winter months).

Key findings (Dec'16):


  • Fox numbers peaked  in any season and the size of the peaks varied greatly between years.

  • Three  obvious peaks in the number of foxes (Autumn 2013, Winter 2014 and Summer 2015-16) clearly ended once peaks in dingo abundance developed.

  • Following on from above, it is clear from the two plots that there is a negative relationship between numbers of foxes and dingoes.

  • Accordingly, there is strong evidence that pulses in the abundance of dingoes negatively affect fox numbers. 


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