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Forest investigation:

Dynamics of forest animals in the hinterland of Seal Rocks, NSW, Australia

Changes over time in the number of

Australian brush turkeys & Superb lyrebirds

in relation to the abundance of Dingoes:


turkey + lyrebird + dingo.png

Note the vertical yellow bars are the summer months (blue boxes = winter months).

Key findings (Dec'16):

Australian brush turkeys:





  • Brush turkey numbers  peaked in any season and varied greatly between years.

  • There appeared to be no clear relationship between peaks in turkey numbers and peaks in dingo abundance.

  • Turkey numbers  were at a record low just before the major pulse in dingo  abundance within and about the 2014-15 summer. Turkey numbers then steadily increased suggesting little influence arising from this record pulse in dingo abundance.

  • Accordingly, there is little evidence that pulses in the abundance of dingoes negatively affect brush turkey numbers. 

Superb lyrebirds:





  • Lyrebird numbers  peaked in any season and varied greatly between years.

  • After the major pulse in dingo  abundance within and about the 2014-15 summer, lyrebird numbers appeared little affected. However, there is a suggestion that their numbers actually increased and reached a higher more stable level.

  • Accordingly, there is little evidence that pulses in the abundance of dingoes negatively affect lyrebird numbers. 


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