Marine investigation:
Surface water temperatures
at Seal Rocks (Statis Island), NSW, Australia
Daily changes in surface water temperature
at Seal Rocks since 2015
​(Note that these surface water temperatures, focused on late-afternoon--early-evening,
are extracted from water temperature maps available in the Ocean Current - IMOS website.
The source maps are derived from satellite data.)

Coldest winter--early-spring temperatures recorded so far

Broader view of surface water temperature at Seal Rocks
during the coldest-water months (July-Sept.) .....data since 1992!
​These surface water temperatures, focused on late-afternoon--early-evening,
were extracted digitally from water temperature satellite data available from the Ocean Current - IMOS website.
Dr Robbie Bishop-Taylor undertook the extraction and produced summary statistics.

2018 had by far the lowest temperatures in the coldest-water months since records began!! A period of 25 years!!!