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Australia - a stay in a beautiful  natural coastal area 

(between Sydney and Brisbane)

About the data

In 1989 I left Kakadu National Park, Northern Territory, where I had been studying the ecology of freshwater fish for over ten years. 


About your hosts

Cape Tribulation northside-22ndJul23 (17

We greatly love this beautiful coastal area of New South Wales!! 

Our property, Cordyline Platycerium, is embedded within a striking flooded gum forest that has moist rainforest gullies, filled with a great variety of birds, mammals and reptiles which routinely come up to our house and cabin.

It is only a 15 minute drive down to magnificent beaches and coastal landscapes. The underwater world down there is breathtaking, with world-class experiences possible with the stunning marine fauna. 

You may be interested to have a glimpse into scientific studies we have underway on both the marine fauna and the forest fauna that lives around our house.  Local river studies too!

I am a Red-necked paddymelon (wallaby), Thyogale thetis, and I live with my many friends around Keith and Rin's house. In the evening we enjoy coming to the back of the cabin where you will stay. After some chaff  we spend the night eating the juicy grass around the house, then in the day we rest in the surrounding forest,  particularly enjoying the rainforest patches in the wetter areas.

More information:

Dr Keith A. Bishop

Sugar Creek Road

Bungwahl NSW 2423


Mobile: 0419244882

International mobile: 61 419244882


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Yes, see Sydney and Brisbane, but take that extra very easy in-between step to have a unique Australian experience surrounded by extraordinary wildlife and landscapes,
with happy, enthusiastic  & learned hosts - Michiyo Nikaido and Dr Keith Bishop

Flooded gums with cabbage tree palms
Ficus Falls after heavy rain
Very old brushbox
poss - Copy
Regent bowerbird (male)
rainbows-JUN14 (6)
Big swell early August2012 (4)
SR2-Australian cow nosed rays-30thMay2016
Humpback whales at Seal Rocks - 14thOctober2016 (2) - Copy
SR2-Grey nurse sharks-31stMay2015 (8)
SR2-green turtle-13thFeb2016 (2)
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