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9) Celitos Beach and headland
(adjoins Port Stephens – Great Lakes Marine Park)

Land life: A wonderful elevated walkway through the dense littoral rainforest leads from the car park to the beach.

Marine life: Bottlenose dolphins commonly seen and Fairy penguins occasionally seen foraging. At low tide many starfish and at times octopus in rock pools.
Geological/geographic: Extraordinary coastscape created by the Booti Booti sandstone & Yagon siltstone basement. On the northern flank of the beach is ‘The Eyes Cove’ which has many interesting features: a) striking layering of two contrasting rock types, b) obvious folding and faulting, and c) chemical anomalies in the Yagon siltstone which form large eye-like structures which unnervingly appear to look down at you. At low tide it is a must to descend by rope to the front lower rock platform where there are large overhangs and bizarre smaller geological features.

Historical: Long previous occupation by Woromi Aboriginal people. Some shell middens observable.
Recreational opportunities: Surfing, beach combing, walking and rock scrambling.
Other comments: Best conditions: gentler winds and not massive seas (can be a bit too exciting!); low tide required for access to the platform below ‘The Eyes Cove’.
Fitness etc: moderate; at ease on steep slopes if rock scrambling and comfortable with a very easy rope-assisted descent.
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