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8) Yagon Headland and very long beach:
walking and beaching
(Myall Lakes National Park; Port Stephens – Great Lakes Marine Park)

Yagon Headland to Dark Point about 25 km
(Hawkes Nest a further 12 km)

Land life: Swaggering Goannas (1+ metre long lizards) invariably seen about the car park.

Marine life: . Bottlenose dolphins occasionally seen.
Geological/geographic: Intriguing sea-side rock structures in the Booti Booti sandstone & Yagon siltstone basement. Shell and brachiopod fossils in Yagon siltstone along the headland ‘wall’ and in chasms towards the east.

Historical: Take a GPS and locate where a WWII submarine went aground in 1945 (remains now only exposed during very low tides after severe weather conditions). The site is 2.5 km down the beach from Yagon Headland. A further 6.5 km down the beach is the Big Giber Headland, and if you can get past this at low tide, it is only 16 km (!!) to Dark Point where there is a protected Aboriginal site (middens and burial sites) in which Polynesian artifacts have been discovered.

Recreational opportunities: Walking - it is only a 42 km walk along very remote and beautiful beaches to Port Stephens! Consider camping out and getting a bus back at the Hawkes Nest township. Also rock scrambling, surfing, beach combing.
Other comments: Best conditions: gentler winds from the north and a low tide
Fitness etc: low-moderate
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