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Walking about and living at

the Cordyline Platycerium accommodation

The property is embedded within a striking Flooded gum and palm forest with many rainforest gullies. So far the following numbers of native species have been recorded: birds – 91, larger mammals – 15, reptiles – 15; and frogs – 10.

All species are listed here.

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Delight at yellow robins, Red-browed firetail finches and Yellow-throated scrub wrens visiting you at breakfast.







King parrots and Australian brush turkeys come any time of day. In summer water dragons are always around the pool, but if lucky, Azure kingfishers may turn up too. In summer Regent bowerbirds appear in the fig trees around the cabin.








Red-neck paddymelons (small wallabies), catbirds visit in the evening. The paddymelons are around the house all night along with Mountain brush-tailed possums and Grey-headed flying foxes when the native figs are fruiting

In the forest nearby assist in the collection of scouting camera data on these animals and examine the data gathered so far. Data is also gathered on Gould’s long-eared micro-bats which shelter in purpose-built structures adjacent to the swimming pool.

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The many activities outside

Cordyline Platycerium

Your hosts, Keith and Michiyo, can help direct you to these places so you can experience them to the fullest. For details please click on the yellow numbers on the map.

Local area map.png

Two more places further to the north:


Cordyline Platycerium cabin forest stay

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