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13) Forster breakwall drift snorkel
Land/air life: Australian pelicans very abundant near a fish cleaning facility a short distance to the south-west of the snorkeling area. Eastern ospreys commonly seen.
Marine life: . Bottlenose dolphins commonly seen from shore. The drift snorkel goes for 350 metres and a great range of fish species can be seen very close up. This snorkel is used as ‘an early warning’ in a study of the seasonal arrival of tropical marine fish at Seal Rocks - see Activity ‘5) Fishermans Beach Seal Rocks: snorkeling and canoeing’. In autumn Grey Nurse sharks gather below a fish cleaning facility when fishermen are active. This facility is 30 metres beyond the end of the drift snorkel track.
Geological/geographic: The breakwater borders the ocean entrance of Wallis Lake.
Recreational opportunities: Snorkeling.
Other comments: Best conditions: incoming tide, light winds, a small northerly swell and clear waters provided by the East Australian Current.
Fitness etc: moderate, and an ability to carefully scramble over large rocks

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